Liquid Potassium Acetate (KAc) | Granular Calcium Magnesium Acetate (CMA) | Granular Sodium Acetate (NaAc)
Corrigan Environmental Solutions is an authorized distributor for Cryotech Non-Chloride products. Non-Chloride products that melt ice for a variety of temperature ranges and specified application needs. Best used on areas sensitive to corrosion (steel reinforced structures) and environmental impact (masonry and landscaping).

Cryotech CF7®
Cryotech CF7® liquid commercial deicer is a high performing 50% aqueous potassium acetate solution, by weight, with less than 1% corrosion inhibitors. CF7 is non-chloride based making if safer for structural steel and reinforcing steel embedded in concrete. CF7 is a clear, colorless, moible liquid, free from matter in suspension. It is effective at low temperatures, -25°F (-32°C) and is stable in storage with no agitation required.
CF7 is best used as an anti-icer, sprayed on the pavement before precipitation starts but can also be used a deicer. CF7 is very effective as a prewetting agent for solid deicers such as Cryotech CMA®, Cryotech NAAC®;, road salts, and sand. Due to its low freeze point, -76°F (-60°C), CF7 significantly improves the performance of solids. Because it is a clear liquid free from matter in suspension with low viscosity, it does not clog spray nozzles, even at very low temperatures.

Cryotech CMA©
Cryotech CMA® solid commercial deicer is granulated calcium magnesium acetate, a patented chemical formulation from dolomitic lime and acetic acid. It is identified as a low corrosion, environmental alternative to road salt by the U.S. Federal Highway Administration. CMA is used worldwide to answer environmental concerns and solve problems associated with corrosion and concrete spalling.
Potential CMA customers typically include, but are not limited to, DOT’s; public works agencies, property management firms, industrial firms, and construction companies. Customers concerned with corrosion, deicing performance, and environmental issues choose CMA as an effective solution to their concerns.

Cryotech CMA40
Cryotech CMA40 is a blend of calcium magnesium acetate (Cryotech CMA) and sodium chloride (salt). The product contains not less than 40% Cryotech CMA. Independent studies have shown that when Cryotech CMA is mixed with salt, Cryotech CMA can be an effective corrosion inhibitor. CMA is a patented chemical formulation from dolomitic lime and acetic acid. It was first identified as a low corrosion, environmental alternative to road salt by the U.S. Federal Highway Administration in the late 1970’s.
Ideal for situations where protection from concrete spalling is needed, but limited quantities of salt can be tolerated, CMA40 lasts longer than straight chlorides.

Cryotech NAAC®
Cryotech NAAC® solid deicer is 97% anhydrous sodium acetate by weight containing less than 1% corrosion inhibitors. It is a high performance replacement for other commercially available deicers including chlorides and urea. NAAC is non-chloride based making it safer for structural steel and reinforcing steel embedded in concrete as well as safer for the environment.
NAAC is best used as a deicer, spread on the pavement after precipitation starts. NAAC is compatible with Cryotech CF7® liquid commercial deicer. Prewetting NAAC at the spreader spinner with Cryotech CF7 enhances effectiveness.
NAAC is a leading commercial deicing product because it is fast acting, has a long residual effect, works to low temperatures, and is safe for the environment.

Cryotech QS50
Cryotech QS50 is the optimal blend sodium acetate and sodium formate for solid performance. This ideal blend quickly activates, works longer with strong hold over times, enhanced storage stability and low tracking. Cryotech QS50 key performance indicators are its ability to start quickly to melt ice efficiently, especially in dry climate areas, extend hold over time on pavement surface compared to other blends, biodegrades at low temperatures, low toxicity to fish and mammals and low BOD/COD.